James P. Scoptur
City: Milwaukee
State: Wisconsin
Phone Number: 414-225-0260
Web Address: www.plaintiffslaw.com
Portfolio Text:
I am a graduate of Marquette University Law School, 2010, and have been practicing plaintiff's civil litigation since graduation at the law firm of Aiken & Scoptur, S.C. Even though I have only been practicing 5 years, I have taken or participated in more than 75 depositions, have been co-counsel on several personal injury actions, have been first and second chair in trials ranging from car accidents to medical malpractice cases. I have recently authored an article regarding obtaining medical records at low costs under the HITECH Act ( http://www.wisbar.org/NewsPublications/InsideTrack/Pages/Article.aspx?Volume=7&Issue=20&ArticleID=24399 ), and have authored many appellate and state supreme court briefs, most notably in Riley v. Extendicare, 2013 WI App 9, 345 Wis. 2d 804 (2012), which invalidated an arbitration clause, and Glazer v. State of Arizona, 237 Ariz. 160 (2015), which resulted in the Arizona Supreme Court upholding an $8 million verdict for our plaintiffs.